The Chrysalis of the Black Swallowtail Butterfly

Wednesday 6/19/02 - Sometime during the night the chrysalis of the first two caterpillars emerged. Darn! We missed it. I hope we get to see the miracle with one of the remaining five.

Late afternoon – the third of the larger caterpillars followed the same procedure of the first two – gigantic “poop,” restlessness roaming, settling on the wire at the top of the box and hanging from his girdle. 

Evening of 6/20/02. Our "big guy" had been hanging about 24 hours now, and based on the time it seemed to take the other two to reach the chrysalis stage, I decided to stay up all night if necessary to see the miracle. I worked at my computer during the night and checked the caterpillar every 15 or 20 minutes. At 2:30 a.m. he started to wriggle. Below, left to right: the green chrysalis emerges from the caterpillar. 

   Almost finished!

In the second and third pictures above, the process is  almost complete. Below left, he is completely out of the skin. Below, center: now he has reared back to hang with the head down. Notice the points from the head that look like little horns. Below, right: all seven hanging from the top. At this time (6/25/02), two have not yet gone into the chrysalis stage.
After reaching the chrysalis stage,  it's supposed to be 8 to 10 days before the butterflies hatch out. We are eagerly awaiting! 

All images are copyright of Dottie Atwater
Please request permission to use these images
for anything other than personal use.

Please go to the NEXT PAGE to witness the miracle!