The Butterfly Emerges from the Chrysalis

Saturday morning, 6/29/02 - The first of our seven hatched out! Left to right, the butterfly is emerging from the chrysalis.

Below: almost out.

The wings are folded up like an umbrella.


 a little more...

It takes less than 10 minutes for the butterfly to emerge and the wings to unfold completely... then an hour or two for the wings to dry completely so the butterfly is ready to fly.

Left: as the butterfly unfolds his wings, the chrysalis of another one hangs in the background.

And here he is in all his glory!

This is a male, I think. They don't have as much blue on the bottom part of the upper surface of the wing. We put him on flowers in a vase while his wings dried. We set the vase on the front porch, and before long, he flew away to share his beauty with others.

Isn't he BEAUTIFUL??? Watching this complicated, intricate process - egg to caterpillar to chrysalis to butterfly - you recognize this is no less a miracle than human birth. Miracles abound everywhere in the universe! We were honored to be able to participate in this particular miracle.

All images are copyright of Dottie Atwater
Please request permission to use these images
for anything other than personal use.

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