All the pictures on this page are at the Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park.

As you will read below, relatively few coast redwoods are left.

Amazing! The coast redwood is the world's tallest living organism. It has survived since the Mesozoic era, when dinosaurs once roamed the world. One hundred to 150 million years ago there were forests of coast redwoods in China, across the western half of North America and into Greenland and Europe. Significant weather changes have reduced their range to a 30-mile-wide coastal strip, from just across the Oregon border, south 500 miles to California's Big Sur coast.

To read more about Big Sur and the Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park, see the main page at Day 7 - November 2.

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Below Harry is in our tent reading with a headlamp.
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Above: a wonderful oak tree.  To the right: Pfeiffer Falls.

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Below: Harry chopping wood. Below right: our tent.

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